Monday, June 14, 2010

Family Love

At least PJ confessed to stealing the blog name I threatened her with. I took too long in creating a blog. She thought I was making empty threats. The lesson here is, don't trust PJ, she will make a pre-emptive strike!

So I was forced to come up with a different name. And if you're reading this, probably know my sister.

Let's just end with this for today:

I'm rubber, she's glue.
Whatever she says about me,
Bounces off me and sticks to - You Know Who!

BTW - that's the truth.


  1. So, your threats aren't empty. Damn! Thank goodness you're prone to procrastination. MWHAHAHAHA!

    Sticks and stones may break your bones, but names will never hurt me. Think about that.

    BTW, you are, uh - how do you say it in your native language? - a big fat liar.

  2. Ok, you've called her a liar, she's now a thief! She took my 'Sticks and Stones' line!

    I'm tellin.

    Hey Ma....

